Immerse yourself in a celebrated musical community.

Connect with a diverse student body. Train with industry leading faculty. Access unparalleled facilities.


The Music Education Study Program, originally established in 1981 as part of the Department of Sendratasik, was created to meet the growing demand for music teachers in junior and senior high schools. The program was initiated under the guidance of Prof. Nu’man Soemantri, M.Sc, with the support of renowned educators and artists from Bandung, including Dana Setia, BA, Agam Ngadimin, and Harry Roesli. Initially, it offered a one-year Diploma One (D-1) level, focusing on training junior high school music teachers. This was followed by the introduction of two-year and three-year diploma programs in subsequent years to cater to the educational needs at the high school level.

In 1985, the program underwent a significant transformation, being renamed as the Music Arts Education Study Program under the Education Department of FPBS IKIP Bandung. This change coincided with the expansion of the program to include two key study areas: Music Arts Education and Dance Arts Education. Post-1992, a strategic collaboration with the German government agency DAAD led to the development of a Strata One (S-1) level program, which included a revised undergraduate curriculum and teaching methodology, designed in consultation with Prof. Dieter Mack from the Freiburg College of Music, Germany. The program, which secured an A accreditation in 2019, now focuses on a diverse range of topics within music education, aiming to produce well-rounded graduates equipped to be educators, researchers, and entrepreneurs in an education-centric society. The program’s current partnerships with various educational and cultural institutions highlight its commitment to providing a comprehensive and dynamic learning environment.


they are very inspiring

Prof. Dr. phil. Yudi Sukmayadi, M.Pd.

Dr. Dody M. Kholid, S.Pd., M.Sn..

Iwan Gunawan, M.Sn.

Dr. Henry Virgan, M.Pd.



Pioneer and excellence in music education at the national level by 2022 and at the ASEAN level by 2025.


In an effort to realize this vision, the UPI FPSD Music Education Study Program has set the following mission.

Produce professional music

education graduates who have noble character, are creative, innovative, master technology, are able to communicate, and are entrepreneurial.

Organizing quality music

education by considering the balance between local and global wisdom values;

Carry out research

that contributes to improving the quality of music education.

Disseminate research results

experiences, and ideas through community service by lecturers and students;

Establish partnerships

in the fields of education, research and community service with other institutions, both government and private, regionally, nationally, and internationally, especially ASEAN;


The Music Education Study Program aims to produce Music Education Bachelors who have the following competencies:


ProfileTable Header
Music EducatorsCreative and innovative music educators who master pedagogic, professional, social, and personality competencies​
Music Education ResearcherAble to describe the results of the study of music education and music science in the form of scientific works, which can be published through national scientific forums and journals.
Entrepreneurs in the field of creative industriesEntrepreneurship related to education, research, musicperformances and the music industry in an edupreneur- based society.

Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Kode Pos 40154 Kota Bandung, Indonesia



Jalur SM-UPI
Jalur Kerjasama